Luckily a number of talented community members have released various spruce up mods which (especially in the case of Shadow of Chernobyl) really make the games feel MUCH more complete and enjoyable, greatly enhancing what is already a phenomial gaming experience. I found the original trilogy to be somewhat of a flawed gem – breathtakingly exciting, compellingly authentic and very engrossing but sadly each title lacked a certain ‘something’ that ended up detracting from the experience. However, we do know that the same studio (GSC) are already working on it and it might use the Crysis engine.
🙂 Not a huge amount is known about the follow-up to the first trilogy of STALKER games yet, the original press release was somewhat short on details. … (calmly reclining) and I’m mildly excited about this. STALKER 2 in the works, STALKER 2 in the works, STALKER 2 in the works.